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Exam Glossary - D

Exam Glossary

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Term Main definition

A real-time graphical representation of data.


Information that has been translated into a form that is efficient for movement or processing.

data analytics

A branch of data science focused on analysing raw data in order to draw conclusions about it, using highly automated techniques.

definiton of done

A checklist of the agreed criteria for a proposed product or service.

deliver and support

The value chain activity that ensures services are delivered and supported according to agreed specifications and stakeholders’ expectations.


Input to the service value system based on opportunities and needs from internal and external stakeholders.


The movement of any service component into any environment.

deployment management practice

The practice of moving new or changed hardware, software, documentation, processes, or any other service component to live environments.

design and transition

The value chain activity that ensures products and services continually meet stakeholder expectations for quality, costs, and time to market.

design thinking

A practical and human-centred approach used by product and service designers to solve complex problems and find practical and creative solutions that meet the needs of an organization and its customers.

development environment

An environment used to create or modify IT services or applications.


An organizational culture that aims to improve the flow of value to customers. DevOps focuses on culture, automation, Lean, measurement, and sharing (CALMS).

digital business

Activities that use digital technology, enabling an organization to fulfil its purpose.

digital disruption

A fundamental shift in an organization’s operation caused by the development of digital technology.

digital organization

An organization that is enabled by digital technology to do business significantly differently, or to do significantly different business.
