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Exam Glossary - B

Exam Glossary

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A list of new features for a product. The list may consist of user stories which are structured in a way that describes who wants the feature and why. It is also a generic term that can be defined in terms of releases,
sprints, and products.

band of visibility

Activities and resources within a service relationship that are visible to both the service provider and the service consumer.


A report or metric that serves as a starting point against which progress or change can be assessed.

best practice

A way of working that has been proven to be successful by multiple organizations.

big data

The use of very large volumes of structured and unstructured data from a variety of sources to gain new insights.

blameless post-mortem

A non-judgemental description and analysis of the circumstances and events that preceded an incident.


An open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way.

business analysis

The practice of analysing a business or some element of a business, defining its needs and recommending solutions to address these needs and/or solve a business problem, and create value for stakeholders. Business analysis enables an organization to communicate its needs in a meaningful way, express the rationale for change, and design and describe solutions that enable value creation in alignment with the organization’s objectives.

business analysis practice

The practice of analysing a business or some element of a business, defining its needs and recommending solutions to address these needs and/or solve a business problem, and create value for stakeholders.

business case

A justification for the expenditure of organizational resources, providing information about costs, benefits, options, risks, and issues.

business impact analysis BIA

A key activity in the practice of service continuity management that identifies vital business functions and their dependencies.

business model

A formal description of how an organization should be configured to create value for customers based on its strategy.

business relationship manager BRM

A role responsible for maintaining good relationships with one or more customers.

business strategy

How an organization defines and achieves its purpose.

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