The volatility dimension of the Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) world promises frequent, rapid and significant change.

And, as well

In large, multinational companies there has been a shift in IT Service Management (ITSM) strategies because of the blurred lines between business and IT and a

There’s a dogmatic view that every complex, IT service management problem has a single root cause when very often there are actually multiple causes.


University graduates going into IT need to be better prepared than they’ve ever been before, with a different understanding of IT and technology management.


In an ideal world, organizations would not need to prioritize work. There would be constant balance between demand and the organization’s resources. Sadly, we don’

The past year has been tumultuous and unexpected to say the least. Over a year on from the start of a pandemic that few ever expected,

One year ago, many organizations had to send their employees to work from home. But what was meant to be a temporary situation seems to turn

How does the level and nature of risk in IT and service management in the pre-digital business era compare to today?

Is ITIL® 4 just about IT? This is something I’ve been hearing more often since working as a consultant with C-level executives in companies.

Achieving the ITIL® Expert level was the culmination of years of learning, applying the knowledge, pursuing the certification and setting me apart from my peers.

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