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GTC Foundation of ISO/IEC 20000 Mock Exam

Price: 28.00‎€

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This set of sample questions consists of 40 Random / 153 ENGLISH multiple-choice questions

  • Each Mock Exam is unique - the questions are randomly selected WITH repetition from the database
  • Every time you start new simulated exam you will get a unique test (there are NO limits)
  • It is NOT possible to see them all in one run
  • The sample practice questions cover all topics in the GoToCertify's Exam Syllabus

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  • The GTC® Foundation of ISO/IEC 20000 real exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions.
  • The time allowed for the REAL exam is 60 minutes.
  • You must achieve 65% or more of all possible marks to pass
  • All questions should be attempted
  • Each multiple-choice question has a number of possible answers, of which only one is the correct answer.

ExamSimul cannot guarantee you will pass the exam, but we are sure that your personal study and the use of our simulator will provide you with a very high probability of passing the exam. This evaluation exam does NOT result in achieving certification. Examsimul makes no representations, warranties or guarantees that your performance on this evaluation exam will be translatable to performance on the official proctored certification exams. Only candidates who successfully complete an official proctored certification exam will achieve certification.

© ExamSimul 2024. This paper remains the property of ExamSimul. This document is not to be re-produced or re-sold without express permission from ExamSimul. All rights reserved.

To suggest an improvement, or if you identify an issue with an item or question, please contact us via chat or email Comments are always read by the author, and sometimes these items or questions are republished with your suggested improvements or corrections.

Exam type Online Mock Exam
N. Questions 40 MCQ
Pass Mark 65% = 26 points
Time 60 minutes
Certificate type Online
Certification GTC® Foundation of ISO/IEC 20000