Mock Exam ONLY to extend ACTIVE subscription

The "Mock Exam" service offers mock exams for certification preparation. To continue using the service beyond your current subscription period, you have the option to extend your active subscription....

Renewal Pricing: If you choose to renew your subscription before it expires, you will be able to maintain special renewal pricing. This means that when you renew, you will extend your access to the Mock Exam service 18 €uro for an additional 45 days, while still benefiting from any discounted rates or promotional offers available to you.

It could take up to 6 hours (normally 30 minutes), for processing the payment as we do it manually (upon activation we will send an email), so kindly wait and don't worry, if you find any delay kindly please contact us via chat or email 

Expired Subscriptions: If your subscription has already expired, you won't be able to restart it. In this case, you'll need to purchase a new subscription online to regain access to the exam simulator. The new subscription will provide you with a fresh access period to the mock exams and related resources.

In summary, if you want to extend your access to the Mock Exam service, it is recommended to renew your subscription before it expires to maintain any special pricing. However, if your subscription has already expired, you'll need to purchase a new subscription to regain access to the exam simulator.